
Scientific reference on ethanol fermentation

Scientific reference on ethanol fermentation

Article title: “High temperature simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of starch from inedible wild cassava (Manihot glaziovii) to bioethanol using Caloramator boliviensis

Authors: Anselm P. Moshi, Ken M.M. Hosea, Emrode Elisante, G. Mamo, Bo Mattiasson

Bioresource Technology (2015) 180, 128-136

Biotechnology, Department of Chemistry, Lund University (Sweden)

The thermoanaerobe, Caloramator boliviensis was used to ferment starch hydrolysate from inedible wild cassava to ethanol at 60 oC. A raw starch degrading a-amylase was used to hydrolyse the cassava starch. During the fermentation, the organism released CO2 and H2 gases. An early prototype of Gas Endeavour® was used for monitoring and recording formation of these gaseous products. The bioethanol produced in stoichiometric amounts to CO2 was registered online in Gas Endeavour® and correlated strongly (R2=0.99) with values measured by HPLC.